Friday 24 November 2017



(20-11-2017 to 24-11-2017)

                This was the second week of our teaching practice. In this week I almost completed nine lesson plans. I got some substitution classes (in 8j) because some teachers and students went to tour as the part of science club. So I can finish the chapter Ratio. On the last day l started the new chapter Construction of quadrilaterals.
               On Monday, I completed the problems related to changing relations and I started the new lesson three quantities. I use sufficient teaching aids for teaching this topic. On Tuesday there was an inter collegiate choir competition programme at our college. So that day we couldn’t go to our school. On Wednesday, I got three classes, so I completed all the problems related to three quantities and do some extra problems related to ratios. On Thursday I started the new chapter Construction of quadrilaterals. I introduce quadrilaterals different types and their properties through ICT. On Friday I got a substitution class in my class. So I teach the construction of rectangle using the given data. On the fifth period I conduct a diagnosic test in 8J based on the topic ratio of two quantities.

              This week was a very good experience for me. There seemed to be a good improvement in my teaching.  I had go through so many new experiences in this week I really enjoy this week.

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