Monday 25 December 2017

Mathematics puzzle

Can you find the correct number which should replace the question mark in the picture below 


simple Mathematics puzzle- Ratio

       There is a figure below (a rectangle). You can see different colors depicting different regions of the figure. The labels on the top of a region defines the area of that region. 

Can you find the area of the green shaded region labelled with a question mark? 

      This problem can be solved with similar triangles property.
       The White triangle is similar to the Red one
       Now Ratio of sides is 2:3 (as ratio of areas = ratio of based if the height is same)
       Seeking that, White triangle = 9/4 * Yellow triangle = 9/2
       Following all the above, the Green region = 5.5 units


Image result for images of christmas quotes

Saturday 23 December 2017

stroy behind Ramanujan number

Before his return to India, Srinivasa Ramanujan was lying on the hospital bed of Colinette House, a few miles southwest of London. Hardy came to visit Ramanujam by a taxi-cab, the number of which happened to be 1729.Enquiring after the latter's health, Hardy blurted out that 1729 was rather a dull number, adding that he hoped that wasn't a bad omen.
"No Hardy," said Ramanujan instantly. "It is a very interesting number. It is the smallest number expressible as the sum of 2 cubes in 2 different ways: 12 cubed+1 cubed as well as 10 cubed+9 cubed.
Finding numbers that are the sum of one pair of cubes is easy. For instance, 2 cubed+3 cubed=35. But can we get to 35 by adding some other pair of cubes? We can't. As we try the integers one by one, it is the same story. One pair is easy, two pairs never--never, that is, until we reached 1729.
Hardy was astounded at the lightening insight of Ramanujan's razor-sharp brain even during the worst of his debilitating health and in the face of his imminent death

National Mathematics Day

National mathematics day: India remembers Srinivasa Ramanujan

Updated: Dec 22, 2017 | 17:30 IST | Times Now Digital
National mathematics day: India remembers Srinivasa Ramanujan

Srinivas Ramanujan  

New Delhi: On the 130th birth anniversary of famed mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, India celebrates December 22 as National Mathematics Day. His contributions to number theory, infinite series, mathematical analysis and continued fractions have found itself as the basis for future research.
Born in a Tamil Brahmin family in Tamil Nadu on December 22, 1887, Ramanujan grew up to excel in the field without any formal training in pure Mathematics. 
Ramanujan's genius came to light in 1913 when English mathematician GH Hardy at the University of Cambridge in England recognised the samples sent to him to via post as 'extraordinary'. Hardy later arranged for Ramanujan's travel to Cambridge.
Comparing Ramanujan's excellence with the likes of Euler and Jacobi, Hardy stated that a 'single look' was sufficient to establish his work of the highest calibre.
Apart from being the first Indian to be elected a Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Ramanujan put together nearly 4,000 results such as identities and equations. His notable works include Ramanujan conjecture, Landau-Ramanujam constant, Mock theta functions, Ramanujan Prime, Ramanujan-Soldner constant, Ramanujan's sum, Ramanujan's master theorem among others.
Nearly all his propositions and claims with respect to the field of mathematics have been proven accurate, and his formulas and theories have inspired further research.
Being a Tamil Iyengar, Ramanujan was a pure vegetarian and religious. 'An equation for me has no meaning unless it expresses a thought of God,' he had once said. Married at the early age of 12, Ramanujan's child bride Janaki was only about 10. He died at a very young age of 32 in 1920 owing to hepatic amoebiasis, according to reports

National Mathematics day - December22

National Mathematics Day: Remembering the genius Srinivasa Ramanujan!

New Delhi: To commemorate the birth anniversary of great mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, India today celebrates National Mathematics Day.The declaration to observe 22 December as National Mathematics Day was made by former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh on 26 February 2012 at Madras University on the occasion of 125th birth anniversary of Ramanujan.On this occasion, India and UNESCO agreed to work jointly in spreading the joy of mathematics and knowledge to students and learners across the world.An unparalleled genius and a self-taught mathematician, Ramanujan found his true calling in numbers and made extraordinary contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory, infinite series, and continued fractions. His love for maths was so much so that he failed most of the subjects in school.He didn't live long but in his short life he compiled more than 3900 mathematical results and equations, and his discoveries namely Ramanujam Prime and Ramanujam theta inspired further research on the subject


Friday 8 December 2017



                              WEEK 4 (04-12-2017 to 08-12-2017)

               This was the fourth week of our teaching practice. In this week there were five working days. As l hoped things went well in this week. In this week I got 7 periods in my class. The last week was the sub district kalothsavam held at Boys Higher Secondary school Punalur. In this Kalothsavam our school (St Goretti H S S Punalur) won the overall champions(both High School section as well as Arabic Section). So the school was a very happy atmosphere. On Monday morning there was a school assembly especially for applauding the winners of sub district Kalothsavam and well wishing the students who have been selected to participate in the State level. On the Thursday morning also there was a special assembly in order to congratulate the winners of Social science Fair.As the State level Kalothsavam was going on and the teachers had to accompany those students participating different items we got many classes to engage. Through this week I completed the portions needed for Christmas exam.
                On Monday , fourth December there was a special assembly. As per the timetable I have two classes today. Third period and sixth period. on the first period I completed the section “Construction of Trapeziums”. On the sixth period l started the new topic Quadrilaterals using Concept Attainment model. The students are very interesting while using the models of teaching. Today I observe the classes of Veena Valsan (second period -8D) and Lincy Varghese (fourth period -8H)as part of Peer Review. Both of them belonging to Mathematics option. Many of my peers had observe my class and gave me good comments on my teaching .i got some substitution periods in 9A,,8F, 7D
                On Tuesday, as per timetable I have no classes today but I got one substitution period. Our Mathematics (option) teacher Dr. Tharamma George observes my class during the fourth period. She said some good words about my teaching and gives some suggestions for further improvement. Iam very happy today😊. Today I got substitutions in 7F, 8A, 9E, 9D
                On Wednesday I got two classes in 8J. On the fourth period l completed the section Construction of Quadrilaterals as well as the portions needed for Christmas exam.  On the last period l conclude the chapter by saying the different methods for constructing different quadrilaterals. As part of Peer review today I observe the class of Juby Jose(8G). Today I got substitutions in 7F, 9D only.
                On Thursday I got only one period.  On the fourth period I conduct an Achievement test based on the chapters Ratio and Construction of Quadrilaterals. On Friday I got one substitution period on 8J . In this period l give back the corrected answer sheet and clarify their doubts.

           Today (Friday) we leaving the school due to the commencement of Christmas examination and vacation. After a short period of time we will be  back to our school.😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

Friday 1 December 2017

ICT lesson-Properties of Quadrilaterals

special moment at school



                                 WEEK 3(27-11-2017 to 1-12-2017)

          This was the third week of our teaching practice. There are only four working days in the school this week because Friday (First December) is a public holiday (Nabidinam).The sub district kalothsavam was held at Punalur Boys Higher Secondary school from this Monday to Thursday. In this week also some students were busy in the practices of different programmes. Our children have been successful in many programmes. On the Tuesday morning, there was a milk supply in the school. We will also help for serving milk. We would also help to serve lunch at school. In this week we got a number of substitutions in different classes.
            In this week I got seven periods in my class. I was able to complete the section “Construction of Parallelogram” and started the next section “Construction of Trapeziums”. I used paper cut-outs of parallelogram, Rhombus, Trapezium, Isosceles trapezium, charts depicting the steps of certain constructions as teaching aids.
        As per timetable I had two classes on Monday, third and sixth period. Both periods I teach different methods of constructing Parallelogram and Rhombus using given data. As a part of the peer review I observed the class of Lincy Varghese of Mathematics option . She had good interaction with students and managed her class well. She dealt with the topic Area of quadrilateral in the class 8 H. She use activity card as teaching aid. Apart from that I also observed the class of Juby Jose(8G). She dealt with the topic construction of trapezium .She also managed the class well.
          On Tuesday I had no classes as per timetable but I got two substitution periods on 8j. on the first period I teach the construction of some patterns and next period I took a remedial teaching class on the basis of diagnostic test. During the fifth period I observe the class of Shynu Shams of Mathematics Option. The topic dealt was construction of rectangle.
         On   Wednesday I had two classes as timetable fourth and seventh period. I teach the remaining patterns of Parallelogram. Today as part of peer review I observed the class of Veena Valsan (8D). She dealt with the topic construction of trapezium. She used chart as teaching aid. During the fifth period I observed the class of Lincy Varghese.
 On Thursday I got two periods in my class. I completed the “construction of parallelogram” and started the new topic “Construction of Trapeziums”. Friday is holiday (Nabidinam).😢
  Overall this week was a very good experience for me . In this week we (Veena B and Varghese)plan an outline for our conscientization programme .Our topic was DEFORESTATION 
                  Waiting for a beautiful week😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

December 1-" World Aids Day"

Welcome cool December

Friday 24 November 2017

construction of quadrilaterals

video related to ratio of three quantities



inter collegiate choir competition at mttc pathanapuram



(20-11-2017 to 24-11-2017)

                This was the second week of our teaching practice. In this week I almost completed nine lesson plans. I got some substitution classes (in 8j) because some teachers and students went to tour as the part of science club. So I can finish the chapter Ratio. On the last day l started the new chapter Construction of quadrilaterals.
               On Monday, I completed the problems related to changing relations and I started the new lesson three quantities. I use sufficient teaching aids for teaching this topic. On Tuesday there was an inter collegiate choir competition programme at our college. So that day we couldn’t go to our school. On Wednesday, I got three classes, so I completed all the problems related to three quantities and do some extra problems related to ratios. On Thursday I started the new chapter Construction of quadrilaterals. I introduce quadrilaterals different types and their properties through ICT. On Friday I got a substitution class in my class. So I teach the construction of rectangle using the given data. On the fifth period I conduct a diagnosic test in 8J based on the topic ratio of two quantities.

              This week was a very good experience for me. There seemed to be a good improvement in my teaching.  I had go through so many new experiences in this week I really enjoy this week.

Friday 17 November 2017

Introduction of ratio

Teaching practice weekly report 1


                                 WEEK-1 (13-11-2017 to 17-11-2017)

             As a part of our B.Ed curriculum, in the fourth semester we have a 30 days of teaching practice. I am selected St. Goretti H S S Punalur for the teaching practice. Before we go to the school for teaching practice we collected timetable and portions .As per timetable I got five periods every week. I usually reach the school by 9am. My supervising teacher is Mrs. Femina, who is very supportive. And my class is 8J. There are 34 students in the class. I love them all. I would like to do many things in order to help them to develop an interest in Mathematics. The teaching practice was started on 13-11-2017. On the first day we hand over the attendance register to our headmaster. Headmaster provides a separate room for B.Ed trainees.

                      On the first week both teachers and students are very busy because of the subjilla kalothsavam .A large number of students participated in different items. On Tuesday (November 14) school celebrated the children’s day. The principal (Shaji sir) gives the children’s day message and then distributed sweets for children. On the Wednesday there was an assembly for students. All the students and teachers presented there and the assembly started with a prayer. At the end of the assembly principal distributed the prizes.

                      In this week I got 6 classes. On Monday I have two periods in 8 J. on the third period I introduced the chapter Ratio through different examples. sixth period i teach some problem related to Part Relations. Tuesday  I got a substitution period in 8j,I work out some problems on Part Relations. On Wednesday I have two periods in my class; I introduce the new subunit Changing Relations and work out some problems. On Thursday I have only one period in my class. There is no class on Friday. Altogether I completed Altogether I have complete 6 lesson plans at the end of the week.

      On the whole this week was a nice experience for me.

video polygon

Thursday 24 August 2017

weekly report 6


                            WEEKLY REPORT 6

           This week was also a good week as there were no strikes or harthals. In this week i completed almost 35 lesson plans.
 On the last day i completed the third chapter(polygons).And conducted a small test based on this chapter. On the whole, this week was nice. I almost completed my portions


                               WEEKLY REPORT 5

              I am very happy in this week.........   
 I was able to complete almost 27 lesson plans. On August 2 our school conducted a well organized science exhibition in our school auditorium. it was an outstanding experience.

weekly report4

                                  WEEKLY REPORT 4

               This week was a good week as their is no strikes or harthals.  On the last week Remya teacher came to observe our classes. In this week i started the second chapter(Polygons). I introduce this chapter with the help of concept attainment model lesson plan. Also a constructivist model lesson plan is used to study the topic "The sum of inner angles of polygons". Altogether i have completed 22 lesson plans at the end of this week. On the whole this week was nice experience for me.