Sunday 28 January 2018

Division mechine


Fat soluble vitamins

VitaminMetabolic FunctionDeficiencyToxicityFood SourceOther
Vitamin A
retinoic acid,
precursor is
PromotesVision; maintenance of cornea, epithelial cells, maintain mucous membranes, skin; Promotes bone and tooth growth; reproduction; immunity(Bone)(RBP)infectious diseases, night blindness, blindness (xerophthalmia), keratinization. Hypovitaminosis A.
Dry mucosa (infecton
Abnormal growth (in children)
Reduced bone mineral density, liver abnormalities, birth defects. Hypervitaminosis A.Retinol: milk and milk products
-dark -grean leafy
-deep -yellow/orange vegetables (carrots:)
2001 RDA: Men: 900 mcg REA/day
Woman: 700 mcg REA/day
UL: adults 3000 mcg/day
Vitamin D
RBP - transport Retinol
Help maintain blood Ca levels
Mineralization of bones (raises blood calcium & phosphorus by increasing absorption of Ca from intestine, withdrawing calcium from bones, stimulating retention of Ca by kidneys)
Rickets (inadequate mineralization of bones), osteomalacia (bone disease characterized by softening of bones; symptoms bending spine
& bowing legs)
Calcium imbalance(calcification of soft tissues and formation of stones)Synthesized in body with help of sunshinefortified milk, animal(not meat) eggs1997 AI: adults: 5 mcg/day (19-50 yr)
10 mcg/day (51-70 yr)
15 mcg/day (>70 yr)
UL: adults 50 mcg/day ~2000 IU
Vitamin E
-regulation of oxidation
-stablize cell membranes,- reactions
-protection of polyunsaturated
fatty acids (PUFA)
-Protection of vitamin A
functions as a chain - breaks antioxidant that prevents the propagation of free radical reaction
Erythrocyte hemolysis
(breaking open of red blood cells),
-nerve damage.
neuromuscular problem
Hemorrhagic effects;
-enhances effects of anticlotting medication
Vegetable oils; leafy greens vegetables (spinach, turnip greens, collard greens, broccoli), wheat germ, whole grains egg yolks, nuts, seeds, fatty meats.2000 RDA: adults: 15 mg/day
UL: adults 1000 mg/day
*Easily destroyed by heat and oxygen.
Vitamin K
Phylloquinone, menaquinone, menadione, naphthoquinone
Synthesis of blood-clotting proteins and bone proteins
important in normal bone health.
primary not likely secondar possible secondary deficiency from impaired absorption due to the lack of bile salts
None knownSynthesis by GI bacteria; liver, leafy green vegetables, cabbage-type vegetables; milk

made by bacteria in the intestine.bacterial synthesis in gi-tract
not stable undersun light, but stable during cooking
Vit. A Retinol Biniding Protein: Specific protein responsible for transporting retinol from liver in the blood.
Vit. A Mucus Membrane: Membranes, composed of mucus-secreting cells, that line the surface of body tissue.

images of Fat soluble vitamins

Image result for images of fat soluble vitamins



  As part of our B.ed curriculum we decided to conduct a conscientization programme during our school internship programme.We selected the topic as Deforestation. We conducted the programme on 11 th january 2018.We choose 8 H class for this programme. The programme was started at 1.45 pm.

Objectives of the programme
1. To conscientize the secondary school students in St. Goretti H S S Punalur about Deforestation.
2. To encourage them to act againist Deforestation.

e content- Geometrical shapes in Mathematics

Friday 12 January 2018

My Reading and reflection text 1




                               TEACHING PRACTICE WEEKLY REPORT-6

WEEK-6 (08-01-2018 to 12-01-2018)

"Teaching is the very noble profession that shapes the character,caliber,and future of an individual. If the people remember me as a good teacher, that will be the biggest honour for me."
                            Dr. A. P. J Abdul kalam

                This is the last week of our teaching practice. In this week I got only four classes. There is a special assembly on Wednesday. On Wednesday we (me and Lincy Varghese) arranged a conscientization programme related to the topic DEFORESTATION.As the part of this programme we introduced a magazine for students. In this week I also collect the tools inventory for my project entitled as metacognitive awareness of secondary school students. On Friday our school gave as send off function. On that occasion I say a few words about my experience in that school. Overall this week was very nice for me.
             On Monday I got only one class. I teach some problems related to construction of Parallelogram using given area. On Tuesday as per timetable I have no classes. But l got one substitution period on 8J. So I take a new lesson using the inquiry training model .After that l took a student feedback about “today’s class”. Most of them said that the new method is more interesting than the normal teaching, and I also collect the tool related to my project topic.

                 On Wednesday as per timetable I have two classes but due to certain reasons I got only one period. On that period I started the new sub topic Rhombus. Today we conduct a conscientization programme related to the topic Deforestation, after that we collect a feedback from students. On Thursday I got only one period . I took a class based on the construction of Rhombus. This was my last class in this teaching practice. I really enjoy the very well.😊😊😊😊
            On Friday as per timetable I have no classes. Before lunch break our school arrange a small send off function for us. Our headmaster Shaji sir, Deputy Headmaster Jaissy teacher, our concern teachers, and other teacher gives some valuable messages for us.After lunch break there was class PTA. 
This was our last week in this school.This teaching practice helps a lot to learn about how to become a good teacher.I go through so many good and bad experiences in this school . It really help me to understand how to adjust different situations. 

Saturday 6 January 2018




WEEK -5(01-01-2018 to 06-01-2018)

                               The New Year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals.

           A new year begins with a lot of hope and expectations. I really hope that this year will be good and joyful for everyone. In this week there are five working days including Saturday, excluding Tuesday. After the Christmas vacation the school opens on Monday but only few students come. Because of that there were no afternoon classes.
         On Monday as per timetable I have two classes but I did not any class because only few students were presented in the school. So headmaster announced that to take combine classes. Tuesday was a public holiday due to Mannam Jayanthi. On Wednesday as per timetable I have two classes. On the fourth period my concern teacher (Femina Joseph) comes with corrected answer sheets of Christmas examination. Most of the students got good marks but few of them are still backward. So they are very happy today. On the last period I discussed the Christmas examination question paper with the students. The students ask their doubts and I cleared their doubts with proper explanation.
          On Thursday I got only one class. On the fourth period I started the new chapter Area of Quadrilaterals. The first section of this chapter is Same Area. I choose Constructivist Model for teaching that topic. At the end of my class l checks the student feedback. From that I understood that teaching with model is more effective than normal teaching.
         On Friday as per timetable I have no classes. So I took so many substitution classes in different standards. Also collect the materials needed for conscientization programme. On Saturday also I have no classes. I took some substitution classes on both HS section an UP section.

       Overall the beginning of New Year was very good. I feel very happy in this school😊😊😊